
Association „IFMA-France“

IFMA-France is a non-profit association according the French law 1901.
It was founded in 2003 and has published a biannual journal since 2004 (publication suspended at the end of 2018).

Its goals:

development, research, awareness and training in an organic orientation of architecture contributing to sustainable development;

creation of links at the national and international level around a human and living conception of the arts of space and of the environment.

The association pursues its objectives by encouraging by all possible means spatial, sculptural, architectural and urban approaches inspired by Man and Nature, stemming from human knowledge, social and environmental sciences, ethical and spiritual foundations of different cultures.
It refers in particular to the contemporary architectural research inaugurated and developed in a diversified way by William Morris, Louis Sullivan, Antoni Gaudí, Henry Van de Velde, Hector Guimard, Victor Horta, Hugo Häring, Rudolf Steiner, Frank Lloyd Wright, Hans Scharoun, Alvar Aalto , Ton Alberts, Erik Asmussen, Hundertwasser, Reima Pietilä and others.
