
The « Fördergesellschaft Internationales Forum Mensch und Architektur Deutschland e.V. (IFMA-D) » was founded in 1991 as a non-profit association to support and promote the goals of the Holland-based Foundation « International Forum Man and Architecture ».

The IFMA-D sees itself as an open forum and place of professional and interdisciplinary exchange and welcomes all who are interested in and want to work for a living and organically designed environment.

Aspects of the relationship between man and architecture are explored and questioned to what extent the users, as the center of all architecture, are addressed and taken seriously in their full human development as physical, mental, spiritual and social beings. But also the integration into the context – the public and the built and natural environment – are taken into consideration.

We assume that the current environmental problems require an intensification of artistic, anthropological, ecological and social impulses in object and environmental design.

In conferences, seminars, excursions and other formats we pursue the above-mentioned questions. Currently, we deal with the topic of architecture for the common good.

Further information about the association as well as the store for the print editions of the journal « Mensch + Architektur/ Humanity + Architecture » until 2022* can be found on our website

*From 2023 on, the magazine will be available digitally and in several languages on the website