
Cultural Association „Ars Lineandi“

The association was founded in June 2011 in Trento by some friends interested in the study of living organic architecture with the aim of:

– spreading and promoting knowledge of the reality and specific themes of living organic architecture and artistic languages born from the impulse of Rudolf Steiner
– broadening the knowledge of living organic architecture by studying and deepening its relationships with man and the environment also in relation to other architectural and artistic expressions.

The Association wants to act as a point of reference and aggregation for those who are interested in investigating and applying the themes of Anthroposophy in the concreteness of their daily actions in order to relaunch its foundations even in very concrete issues such as architecture, issues that often enjoy little echo and little attention.
The founding members, all engaged in various capacities in the world of research, design and construction of architectural works, as well as being moved by the interest and passion for Anthroposophy, have decided to undertake common initiatives in one area, the architectural one, where Rudolf Steiner’s impulse has often been underestimated and little applied, thus remaining essentially unknown. Furthermore, the uncritical repetition of gestures and figures born from Steiner’s research has risked leading to a sort of sterile formalism where, on the other hand, contamination with the new and often abused principles of environmental sustainability can lead to an impoverishment of the potential of living organic architecture. The exceptions in the Italian and international architectural panorama are rare, albeit present and of extreme interest. The group from Trento is therefore moved by a passion that becomes the will to study Steiner’s artistic impulse, to relaunch and reinterpret it in the current situation of our time and to bring it into personal professional activity, even in an undeclared way, so that it becomes reality working spiritually.
